In the midst of a devastating situation, it can help to know where one can immediately turn for help. For victims of truck accidents in the Wilmington area, the attorneys at Murphy & Landon are an established resource with a reassuring track record of success.
Due to their tendency to produce extremely serious injuries and loss of life, semi truck accidents can be outrageously costly to a victim. If the victim survives, he or she may have mountains of medical bills with a decreased ability to pay, as the victim is likely to be unable to work after a wreck. If the victim does not survive, his or her family could be left to bear the cost of an unexpected funeral, medical bills stemming from the incident as well as the potential loss of a breadwinner or income-earner.
Regardless of the outcome of an 18-wheeler accident, the result can quickly turn into financial calamity for victims. If one has been hit by a truck, there are key legal resources available at Murphy & Landon. Prospective clients are not just a number to the attorneys at this firm. The professionals at Murphy & Landon take the time to genuinely care for each case.
These Delaware truck accident attorneys have won millions of dollars on behalf of harmed clients in the past. Victims who do not secure an attorney can be on the hook for huge amounts of money as the medical expenses and other costs from the accident continue to mount. By going to an attorney as soon as possible after a wreck, victims can put seasoned professionals in the driver’s seat of a difficult situation.