Throughout any given year, there are often numerous deadly auto accidents within the state of Delaware. What causes most of these fatal wrecks? As many might expect, both alcohol and speed tend to be huge contributing factors to car accidents in the state. Those who have been affected by such wrecks may get help from a skilled serious injury and wrongful death attorney.
What causes the most fatal car accidents in Delaware? To explore this question it helps to take a look at recent fatal crash data from the past few years. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 126 traffic fatalities in the state in 2015, of which 41 were classified as “alcohol-impaired.” The alcohol-related deaths composed a third of all the untimely deaths attributed to crashes in 2015.
There were just under 100 traffic deaths in Delaware in 2013; that number rose to 124 in 2014. Of the 126 from last year, 34 were listed as fatalities related to speeding. Put together, speeding and alcohol are clearly an incredibly dangerous combination. With the holidays coming up, it’s more important than ever to ensure that loved ones do not drink and drive. Likewise, it’s just as important to take proper steps to secure a designated driver for oneself and limit drinking to times when a sober driver is available.
Unfortunately, not everyone will take these precautions both now and during the upcoming holiday season. Drunk driving is entirely preventable but also inevitable when it comes to the negligence of others. Local residents and their families who are coping with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident can benefit from taking their case to an experienced attorney.
Source: NHTSA, “Traffic Safety Performance (Core Outcome) Measures for Delaware,” accessed Oct. 24, 2016