You spend years paying insurance premiums, forking out thousands of dollars to gain peace of mind. You assume that if something happens, you're covered. Then the worst does happen — and the insurance company leaves you stranded.

This unfortunate scenario becomes reality for far too many policyholders. Insurance companies will sometimes go to great lengths to protect their own profits. Your interests will take a back seat to their bottom line.

Fortunately, you don't have to challenge them on your own.

You Have Rights

Delaware law requires insurance companies to fulfill their obligations in good faith. This means they can't simply deny or underpay your claim without lawful justification for doing so. Nor can they simply turn your claim down without first looking into it. If your insurance company acted in bad faith, you can pursue a lawsuit to secure the coverage and compensation you deserve.

Choose Advocates With Proven Experience Challenging Insurance Companies

If your insurance claim was undervalued or wrongfully denied, turn to the Wilmington-based law firm of Murphy & Landon for a free case evaluation. Our attorneys can sort through the fine print of your policy to see whether you have a claim for bad faith denial of an automobile insurance claim.  Not every claim denial is done in bad faith, but when it does happen, we are here to help you.

As respected trial lawyers, we have sued nearly every large insurance company. Our background in insurance defense also gives us a well-rounded perspective on effective strategies. Our insider's knowledge of the insurance industry can work to your advantage.

Get a professional opinion on your options by calling 302-472-8100 or sending us an email.

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